Error at continuous tasks on Server v5.9


we switched to 5.9 build 1 last week.

We experience problems with continuous jobs.

It seems, that there is a problem with the format of the field.
The corresponding line in the log is:
"Can't add or update space '' tasks in scheduler: Die Parameter "Hour", "Minute" und "Second" beschreiben eine nicht darstellbare DateTime."
It really changes the language within the log entry.

Could you please help with this?



Could you please email the debug log from that time frame to our support email? Typically, you can find these log files in C:\ProgramData\EasyMorph Server\Logs\Debug log.

Does this issue occur only in a single, specific Space or does it happen across all of them? Also, do you manually edit the XML files for the tasks (rather than using the API)?

Just send the log files to your mail address.
The error occurs since the upgrade and only at one space. All tasks work fine except the continuous ones. As soon as I switch a daily task to a continuous one, the machine struggles.
As a workaround, we switched to launcher for these tasks.

There was no manual editing at the XML files of this space.

it affects all task scheduled every minute.

SAVE Butten is frozen (no reply) if we want to create new task or change existing.

i deleted space and created it new .. without success

In launcher scheduling 1 Minute is also missing in this version



We’ve identified the problem and are working on a hotfix.


The bug has been fixed. Please install the updated version of EasyMorph Server from our website.

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:pray: :top: we installed it .... Continuous Tasks (every 1 Minute) are running again.

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Thank you for the quick hotfix.


but it seems we have another problem again....

I think, this was also fixed in older Version :thinking:
--> Same in Edge and FireFox

Seems to be a Problem, if i do this ...




Enabling the ‘keep me signed in’ option shouldn’t result in these problems.

Please close all of your browser windows, then attempt to log in again—both with and without that option enabled. Also note that there’s a limit to how many tabs can be open at the same time for the server.

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