EMS-cmd for 5.8

Hello everyone,

we're using ems-cmd but since 5.8 it doesn't work anymore, please some can explain how to make it work again?

Thanks in advance


Can you provide more information and the error text?
What action do you want to accomplish?
What options for authentication in the space are enabled and active?
What is the expected authentication method for ems-cmd: by password, AD, or Anonymous?
Have you changed the space settings after the migration to version 5.8.0?

Some information:

a C# software call ems-cmd to run a specific task, the command is something similar to:
ems-cmd run ourServerUrl -space ourSpace -password ourPassword -taskID ourTaskID.

It worked fine with the previous versions, but with 5.8 is not working anymore, giving an assembly error (I'm sorry but I don't have any screenshot about and we rolled back the update to make everything working again).

I see that in the Github documentation of ems-cmd is mentioned the 5.7 version, maybe we need to wait the new one?

The problem could be that the authentication has changed from space to user in the latest version of EasyMorph server?

Did I understand you correctly? You tried to use ems-cmd 5.8.0 with EasyMorph Server 5.8.0 but got an error.
I'm curious, where did you get the ems-cmd 5.8.0 because this version has not been publicly released.

I'm sorry, I not explained clearly:
we're using ems-cmd version 5.7 with an EM server 5.8, and this doesn't work.

We need to understand when ems-cmd 5.8 will be released

What exactly did you downgrade? And from which version to which one?

EM Server from 5.8 to 5.5

We had a snapshot of the VM before the update

EasyMorph Server 5.8.0 comes with ems-sdk/ems-cmd 5.7.0. It's right.
You can find ems-cmd directly in the installed system (C:\Program Files\EasyMorph Server\ems-cmd\net45).

I've just rechecked. Running tasks on EasyMorph 5.8.0 using ems-sdk/ems-cmd 5.7.0 works correctly.

Thanks for your reply, we'll try again and, this time, we'll send the screenshot of the error!

Hi, I'm AndreaM's colleague, today I updated the server again and I found out that there is something different in our calls.
You are calling ems-cmd at this path: C:\Program Files\EasyMorph Server\ems-cmd\net45.
We were using ems-cmd in the folder C:\Program Files\EasyMorph Server.
I did some tests and the one in your path works, the one in the folder above does not.
Here are the errors returned:

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Morph.Server.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a2b49011e9be7082' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
at MorphCmd.Program.ProcessException(Exception previousException, Exception e, ConsoleOutput consoleOutput)
at MorphCmd.Program.TraverseExceptionTree(ConsoleOutput output, Exception e)
at MorphCmd.Program.Main(String args)

We used this path in previous versions and it worked.
I am now changing the path in our software to use what you suggest, but maybe someone could check why there are two .exe and one is not working.

Thank you


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Hi Jessica and welcome to the Community!

Please use from now on the ems-cmd executive located at this path: C:\Program Files\EasyMorph Server\ems-cmd\net45. It was a bug on our end that created a conflicting copy in the other folder. We will fix it soon.