I've done a process to fetch emails from an adress, and save/process the files attached.
I use multiple iterate, because I need to fetch emails from several configurable addresses, and send an email to other configurable addresses.
It works great when run from Easy Morph desktop.
But when I trigger the tasks from Easy Morph server, it fails.
I've put some verifications to avoid the fail and to see what's happening.
As I can see, tasks is not waiting for the iterate result, it return an empty table.
I have multiple iterate, the first return empty results.
What I do :
I add email addresses and subjects from an other table, and then iterate on a module.
This module take in parameter the addresses and subjects I added before, and fetch emails, save attachment.
It create some columns bases on emails information, because I need to setup an archive folder and specific path depending on the attachment, and that's all.
I've added a "skip action on condition" just after, where "skip the rest of actions if table is empty".
When I use Easy Morph desktop, all my process is functionnal, I receive a confirmation email.
When I trigger the task from Easy Morph Server, it stop because the result of the iterate is empty...
Screens from Easy Morph Desktop where it is "working" :
So it's not an Easy Morph problem.
I don't know why it do this with the server and not with the desktop app.
I will see the problem with my network guys. Ty
In one of the recent versions, we've added restrictions on the use of self-signed or expired SSL certificates both in Desktop and Server, as a security measure.
However, you can still remove the restrictions in the application settings:
In EasyMorph Desktop, go to menu About, and click "Application preferences":
Generally, we don't recommend permitting all self-signed or expired SSL certificates. Instead, if necessary, whitelist only specific certificates - the security settings have this option.