Empty Column names

Hello, I am building a complex process whose output is an excel sheet with some whitespaces in between, as seen below:

Is there a way of replicating such structure in EasyMorph? At the moment I can only add empty columns but the header will always be present when exporting

Creating a spreadsheet with empty column headers is not possible with EasyMorph.

You may want to try give columns names that consist of 1,2,3,… spaces.

Has this not been improved? Why can't we output Excel without headers? This is troublesome.

Every column in EasyMorph must have a non-empty name. This is by design.

Did you try the workaround above?

I don't want the header row at all in the output, I'm looking at Powershell options for removing header row after file creation but it just seems a bit clunky.