Emails randomly not going out

Hi EasyMorph Team,

I have an ETLs that send emails out to 30+ users at different stages of the process. For some reason, randomly mails are not going out. I suspect it might be related to the usage of parameters, but so far I have not found a pattern or a reason.
Comercial_23.morph (576.2 KB)

Do you have any idea of what could cause the issue?


I would rather suggest that something isn't right with the settings of the email service. Try seeing the logs of the email server - there can be a clue.

Hi Dmitry,
a quick update. With version 5.7.3 we had 3 ETLs with the same error below. I switched back to 5.7.2 and it seems to be working.

Not sure it's related, but it seems that only ETLs with the send email action are affected?


Try creating a new email connector and using it instead of the current one. Does the problem remain?

Hi Albert,

It's possible that this issue is not related to the "Send email" action and email connectors.

Please click on the error message with the right mouse button, then choose "Copy diagnostics information to Clipboard" and send the copied text to

Hi Andrew,

a quick update. We went back to 5.7.2 yesterday, and tonights executions went without issues. I´ll keep an eye out, and if the error returns, I´ll follow the steps you recommended.

Thanks a lot!


I had a similar issue where my email connector just started failing (server job) giving a nondescript error saying that portion of the workflow (where it sends the email) is 'out of date'. These jobs have been running daily for months so I don't know what changed (we didn't do any upgrades). Anyway I fixed it by editing the email action, save, edit again (to undo the change I made), save....and then it runs fine.

Thanks a bunch, we will try that!

We tried it, and it's not working. Here's the status so far. We have two email connectors, they are exactly the same in config.

The one that was authenticated in May works. The one that was authenticated in June does not. The email is using MFA. The one that was authenticated in June didn't ask for the MFA authentication, when we authorized it. However, it was still authorized.

The error that appers on the connector that doesn't work is the following:


We still face the problem that if we use the first connector. It will send all emails if we run the logic manualy. The programmed runs randomly omit emails. Just to clarify: emails are sent through iterations (1 email per iteration). The logic itself is ok, we checked. The emails should go out, but they don't. Do you have any idea of what me should or could be doing?

We still face the problem that if we use the first connector. It will send all emails if we run the logic manualy. The programmed runs randomly omit emails. Just to clarify: emails are sent through iterations (1 email per iteration). The logic itself is ok, we checked. The emails should go out, but they don't.

Hi Albert,

The "No account or login hint was passed to the AcquireTokenSilent call" error was recently fixed in Desktop version and Server version

The other way to fix this error is to create and authorize a new connector with the same name instead of the old one.

As for the messages not being sent. Let's make sure that all the required "Send email" actions are actually beign executed. Please add a "Status" action after each of the "Send email" actions in the project and make each "Status" action to log which message is beign sent and all the important parameters. This way you will be able to run the task manually in the Launcher and see what is actually happening in the task log.