EM Desktop 5.8 : Sharepoint Command / List of Folders include Forms

Hi team,

Try to use the action Sharepoint Command to list folders inside one specific library of a sharepoint site. The list of folders seems good except it includes "Forms" which is a folder in the root of the sharepoint site (containing all pages). It's not normal it returns Forms. Quite sure the bug was not here in 5.7, not 100%.

Thanks !

Hi Romain,

We're looking into it.

We found that the logic didn't change and EasyMorph always included the folder with forms in lists. For now, use a filtering action to exclude the folder from list results. We will investigate more and see if we can add an option to exclude that, and possibly other system folders, from the results.

That remains an issue according to me. So yes, I think Forms should not be displayed everywhere.

We investigated it a bit more, and it looks like there is no indicator or flag for the Forms folder. It's just a regular folder without any system attributes that would allow filtering it out reliably.