Easymorph Timeout Issue

Hi All,

There is a timeout issue on easymorph when we run long queries with a large amount of data, and we have already increased the timeout settings, but we are still receiving the error after 30 minutes.

20230502113712 Command line: morph-cmd.exe /c “C:\etl\js\easy\sp_load_js_prod.morph”
Project C:\etl\js\easy\sp_load_js_prod.morph ran with errors:
Error: Fatal error encountered during command execution.
Fatal error encountered attempting to read the resultset.
Reading from the stream has failed.
Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
Source: action “Database command”, table “Table 1”


Hi @asifpanjwani7,

It seems that you are hitting a timeout enforced by the MySQL server itself.

You can see all the timeout-related settings by running the following query:

show variables like '%time%'

Which values do the net_read_timeout and max_execution_time variables have?

Have you tried to run the same query from some other software? For example, from MySQL Workbench?

@ dgudkov
Timeout Variables
net_read_timeout 30
max_execution_time 0

Yes Query running fine on mysql workbensh shell

Are those the only variables that were returned by the query?

Also, can you please try to run the same query that gives you an error in EasyMorph from MySQL Workbench, but with the “Don’t limit” option? Like this: