can you update an EM table just like a SQL query? I have a data file processed & ready to go, client has come back with address changes.. I have a unique member number & simply want to update my file with the new address (something like update table set ad1 = other table.ad1 where join cond ...) I can see the peek but that's just 1 field...
To get it done I merged the update fields, replaced & deleted them, is there a quicker way or do i need to have my data in a database for updates?
I don't think there is anything wrong with the method you used, using the merge action and joining on the match criteria, replacing and deleting. But you may also want to consider the lookup action.
I typically use the peek action when I use the parameter table action to create a table of all of my parameters and then bring a specific parameter column value back to every record of my target table. I don't think this would make the most sense in your situation.
Here is the link for a list of all of the Easymorph actions. I recommend scanning through the list. There is almost always a really great fit for almost any scenario, or a method it get to your end result with a couple actions or table derivations.
While we are at it, here is a the link for the Easymorph built in functions as well.
I realize it is probably more effort than it is worth but if you have a screen shot or a sample data set, someone will often chime in with a good method to solve the issue. Either a regular end user like myself or an Easymorph team member. This is a really awesome community.