Easymorph-SystemUser - Account is inactive or illegal

In Germany, on Sunday, 27.10.2024, 03:00 AM, time was set back from summer to winter.
After that, the administrative Easymorph user (Name=fk1015) was blocked.
It was no longer possible to call tasks via iterate Project in other spaces.
The user had to be deleted and recreated. After that, the tasks worked again.

All Tasks calling otherProject dont work



Is this problem known or has it occurred with other customers?



Thank you for reporting the problem, Adrian. We're looking into it.


Has only one user account entered an illegal state, or have other accounts encountered this issue as well?

Are scheduled tasks being triggered and completed as expected?

You also mentioned an issue with the System User. Could you provide more details on what you mean by that?

Hi Constantin,
only the EM-SystemUser (fk1015) had the Problem.
All Tasks run, but Tasks calling Project in other Spaces (started by fk1015) abborted with error described above.

regards Adrian

In addition, two screenshots from this situation:

We assume that changing the time led to the corruptive state of the user.


This issue could indeed arise when transitioning to or from daylight saving time.
It has been fixed in EasyMorph Server version
Please let us know if you experience any issues

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Thank you very much. Best support team! :sunglasses:

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Great! :pray: :hugs: