EasyMorph Book: Questions

Hi EasyMorph Community,

I’m currently working on a book based on my personal experience with EasyMorph, aimed at helping users understand its features and workflows effectively. The book is intended to help users, particularly beginners and intermediate users, understand EasyMorph’s features and workflows through tutorials and practical examples.

I have a few specific questions:

1)Can I include screenshots of workflows that I’ve personally created using EasyMorph? These workflows are entirely original and do not replicate examples from EasyMorph documentation or tutorials.

2)Is it acceptable to describe EasyMorph’s features and workflows in my own words, based on my understanding, without directly referencing or reproducing official documentation?

Looking forward to your insights.
Thanks !

Yes, you absolutely can do that.

Yes, sure!

When the book is ready, feel free to post a link here :slight_smile:

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