Dynamically create columns in a table from another table row values


I am sure that I am missing something and that my goal can be achieved quite easily, but so far I am stuck and couldn't find help through existing topics :slight_smile:

Table 1
Column name | Column value
Col T1_1 | Val 1
Col T1_2 | Val 2
and so on

I have Table 2 that is a quite large dataset with many columns and rows.
Col1 | Col2 | .... | Colx
"A" | "B"| .... | "Whatever"
... | ... | ... | ...
"Z" | 123| 111 |ABC

I would like to dynamically append new columns in Table 2 using the Column names and values from Table 1 (same value for all rows in one column) so that I can get something like below
Col1 | Col2 | .... | Colx | Col 111 | Col 222
"A" | "B"| .... | "Whatever"| Val 1 | Val 2
... | ... | ... | ...
"Z" | 123| 111 |ABC | Val1 | Val 2

Thanks by advance for any hints or areas I could look in. So far, I tried many different ways, but couldn't find anything really satisfying and generic.

Should work like this:

Dynamically create columns in a table from another table row values.morph (4.4 KB)

@Jochen_Marquardt thanks a lot.

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