Could not find part of the path when opening file

We are experiencing issues on some computers when running a script where we download an email attachment and then open it in easymorph

It gives us an issue that is: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\xl\worksheets\sheet3.xml'.

However the file it is supposed to open is on a network path the the file open action is refered to.

The same script is running fine when running it on another computer leading me to believe that this has something to do with the excel installation on theese computers? or what can it be?

Hi Emil,

If you update to the most recent version, is the error still present?

Yes, the error is present on & as well as server version

Hi Emil,

The "Import Excel spreadsheet" action doesn't use Excel, so the Excel installation is not the reason for this error.

Please run the following command from the Command prompt and send the result to our support email:

echo %TEMP%

Also, please try importing the same file from a local drive, not the network drive.

And if you can share that file with us, please send it to our support email.

Hi, results and sample file sent

Looks like value in "Path to attachment" is different than the action path.
Action is trying to read file 'C:\xl\worksheets\sheet3.xml' but from the table we can see the "Path to attachment" looks bit different, could that be a reason?

Indeed, the path is different. But when searching the excel file. The path actually comes from the file (its present in the code contained in the .xlsx somewhere)
However it opens just fine when using excel.

Hi Andrew!

Any progress on the file?

Best regards

Hi Emil,

It seems that your XLSX file was generated not by Excel but by a third-party software.
It has some minor differences from files generated by Excel.

We updated the "Import Excel spreadsheet" action to support those differences.
You can get the updated EasyMorph version from our download page.

Hi Andrew!

Wow! Thank you! We’ll update and test it out!

Thank you for great support!