Connection fail only via Command Line Worker

I can read a google sheet from my project, but when I run the same project via CLW it "cannot find file"?

Here is the error from the log:

Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyMorph Command Line Worker\morph-cmd.exe" "G:\Shared drives\TaaS Data team\1 Taas Ops\6 Tech\Test Table Frontend.morph"
Project G:\Shared drives\TaaS Data team\1 Taas Ops\6 Tech\Test Table Frontend.morph ran with errors:
Error: Spreadsheet file '1 Taas Ops/3 Master files/Test' not found.
Source: action "Import Google Sheets", table "FE now"

Fail gsheet.pdf (58.4 KB)

Hi @Hendrik_Lombard

Both CLW and Desktop use the same engine under the hood, the actions are identical.

Make sure both CLW and Desktop use the same data connector repository. One possible scenario may involve two separate repositories, each containing connectors with identical names, but one repository has the Google connector authorized slightly differently, possibly under another account.