Configuring the mail component fails

When I try to configure the mail connector, it does not work to connect.

Could you please provide an example of how to set up such a connector (e.g. for outlook or Gmail)
When testing this it does not work;

I have tried:

account: my email
port 587 (TLS)

I am using the free version to test if easyMorph would fit for my purposes.

Do you use 2-factor authorization for Gmail? If yes, then you will need to create a per-app password in your Google account and use it.

Dear Dmitry,

I don’t use 2-factor authentication as far as I can see in my Gmail account settings.
I have retried on another network (outside the network of the company) and the problem persists. I have also tried two different encryption methods TLS on port 587 and SSL on port 465.

When I try to send the mail when configuring the email connector, it keeps throwing an error.

Could you please provide me some more information so that I can try again (with some screenshots)?

Thanks in advance !

What error does it throw?

This works for a gmail I account I own:


Thanks Dmitry.

That’s exactly the input I have inserted when I tested the connection.
Could it be that you need a special type of Gmail account for this or tweak some settings in Gmail itself? I am using a free Gmail account for testing.

Thanks in advance

My Gmail account has a 2-factor authentication turned on, and I’m using a per-app generated password.

Maybe try a per-app password as well. See this article for more details:


Some weeks ago, it worked with my Gmail account using
account: my email
port 587 (SSL)

It’s not working anymore…
Something have changed?


PS: it works now only with the following configuration (no encryption :frowning:) :

If you are not using per-app passwords, then you may need to enable less secure apps at:

Enabling access for "less secure apps" means that the client/app doesn't use OAuth 2.0 . OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard protocol for authorization. When you sign in with OAuth 2.0, you sign in to Google's system directly. In OAuth 2.0 , you authenticate directly to Gmail with your credentials and authorize an app to do certain things. The third-party app only sees an authorization token provided by Google as proof that you authenticated correctly and agreed to authorize that app.