Compare 2 .morph files

Hi Team

What is the best way to compare 2 . morph files?
I am aware of the Project metadata.

Is there another way that I can automatically: Generate the documentation and then compare the HTML with the original file?

This is an requirement of the auditors and I am looking at ways to do this automatically.

Morph files are xml-files. Open both files in a text editor and copy the content in a tool like

This tool will show the diff between the 2 files.

You can generate project documentation (as HTML file) using the “Generate documentation” action.

When the HTML file is generated, you can compare it with another HTML file either using an online service like the one mentioned by @reynsnivea, or using a Windows app or a command-line utility (have to be installed separately).

Thank you @reynsnivea and thanks Dmitry

The free utility called XML Notepad has this feature built into it. It highlights all the differences between two files. XmlNotepad

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