Command Line Worker errors in case of warnings (5.4.2)


we updated Easy Morph from version 4.3 to 5.5 and we need to use the new Command Line Worker (version 5.4.2) to run projects from command line.

Unfortunately we noticed that some projects stop working in case of many warnings. In particular the project used as a test has 9 derived tables that run in parallel some “merge” action; this actions generate some warnings (no data to merge or increased number of rows). The actions are ok, but seems that Easy Morph goes in error when try to write simultaneously the log file (see attached screenshot).

We can fix the issue disabling the warning for each “merge” action, but we have hundreds of projects and this fixing is time consuming.
Is it possible to fix this issue quickly or to have the possibility to disable all warning for the whole project?

Thanks in advance, kindly regards.

Thank you for reporting the problem. We’re looking into it.

The problem is confirmed. An updated version will be published in the next 1-2 hours.

The updated version (5.5) of CLW is now available on the download page.

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Thank you so much, it works.