Command line worker cannot find path

I have project that I can run via Desktop, but CLW says it cannot find the file path?

EasyMorph Command Line Worker v5.8.0.0
Running project C:\EasymorphProjects\Ramps create journal.morph
Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyMorph Command Line Worker\morph-cmd.exe" "C:\EasymorphProjects\Ramps create journal.morph"
Project C:\EasymorphProjects\Ramps create journal.morph ran with errors:
Error: Could not find a part of the path 'S:\Ramps Place\Ramps downloads'.

Can you please send your project to We'll take a look.

Hi Hendrik,

If you're running CLW from a different Windows account than EasyMorph Desktop, then most probably the drive G: is not accessible for that account and that's why CLW doesn't "see" it.