In v5.9.1, we will introduce a major improvement to Analysis View: facets.
Facets are basically new filter types in Analysis View. Facets allow not only filtering data in various ways, but also viewing data from various perspectives, typically by grouping rows and counting the group sizes. In v5.9.1, we're adding three new filter types (in addition to the existing filter type), and we will keep adding more in the coming versions.
The facets we add in 5.9.1 are:
Time periods - group column values and filter by the selected time granularity - days, weeks, months, quarters, years.
Use case: filter timestamps and dates by time periods without additional calculations. -
Profiler - group column values and select by data types.
Use case: detect and filter values of wrong types. -
Thresholds - group column values into ranges (buckets) defined by user-provided thresholds and select the ranges
Use case: group/filter by business-specific categories, such as "big/medium/small orders" or "high/low risk", etc.
It will be possible to switch between facets of a column or add multiple facets for the same column. Facets will also appear in CSViewer (soon) and Server UI (in version 6.x).
In later versions, we will add more facets. For instance:
- Text lengths
- Regex
- Timeline (a visual facet)
- Histogram (a visual facet)
- Match list (paste/enter a list of values and group/filter rows that match/contain the values)
- Percentile
Facets will work especially well when combined. For instance, "select customers who made a big order in British Columbia" or "select products with low turnover whose description contains Bosch or Siemens".
How does that look to you?