Can't or create tasks in Server


I'm trying to manage certain tasks in EasyMorph Server. I'm using the rescue login (therefore, I'm admin), but no mater how many times I try, I can't list tasks for any proyect, I just see a message that says "Nothing to show in this space". This happens to every single space.
I can't create new tasks,
I can't list tasks,
I can't edit tasks.

Any idea why?

I've tried to log in using the space password,
it logs it, but it says "cannot access to a disposed object", and then, I can't list any task.
I'm completely lost on this one.

Is the "Tasks" feature enabled in the space? You can see it in the "Features" tab of the space settings.

Yes, 100%, it has Tasks and Files enabled.

In some spaces I can see tasks if I log in with space password, in others I can't.
All of them has tasks enabled.

Also, check if your role in the space can list tasks - role settings differ from space to space.

I'm doing this as admin. Just after clicking on "rescue login". I can't list any task in any space. This has to be a bug.

I'll check a few things and get back to you.

Rescue login gives you server administrator rights, enabling you to modify settings in the admin panel. However, this doesn’t automatically provide access to content like files, tasks, and so on.

A user is created when you log in with Rescue Login, and you need to add that user to the Space ACL. (In some cases, the user is automatically added to the Default space, but not to the others)

it logs it, but it says "cannot access to a disposed object", and then, I can't list any task.

Could you please email the debug log from that time frame to our support email? Typically, you can find these log files in C:\ProgramData\EasyMorph Server\Logs\Debug log.

Thanks Ckononenko,

In this case, I was able to list all tasks as admin before. The only change was the upgrade to Server version

Unfortunately I can't see any folder called Logs or Debug log
I have also created a new user with access to all the projects, and this user can see tasks in some projects, but in others it also has the error "cannot access to a disposed object"

So, the rescue login won't list any task.
Accessing through space password will give me "cannot access to a disposed object"
Accessing through a new user with proper access to the project, will deliver "cannot access to a disposed object" sometimes.

Which server version were you running before you upgraded to version 5.9?

Please note that the logs are located in ProgramData, not in Program Files. In any case, it's better to check their location on the server settings page.

When updating EasyMorph to a newer version, it's usually a good idea to read our Release Notes for all versions between the previous version and the version you're updating to. The Release Notes for v5.8.x explicitly mentions the change in behavior in the "Breaking changes" section:

Hi Dmitry,

I get that, I even created a new user, gave that user admin access, gave that user full access to all projects, and this user can't list tasks. Is definitely a bug. I don't think this is an intended behaviour.

You can see, this user is admin.
it has the default role on the project, and this level of access can access anything.

The server has tasks enabled, and has tasks that works every single day.

And I can't see anything about the project.

I sent an email with the logs.

at this point, I really need to manage the tasks from my spaces, I can't do that with the default user, I can't do that logging with the space password, or with a new admin user with full access.
What can be a good try to fix this?

Because my spaces clearly have active tasks.

But I can't see or edit any of those with any user of access... is frustrating :frowning:

We’ve identified a potential cause of the issue.

The Reload space content function, which is accessible from the spaces list page, may put the task list into an incorrect state. Have you used this feature?
As a workaround, switch the Tasks feature off and then back on in your space to resolve the issue temporarily.

Hi Ckononenko,

I don't recall using that feature, but, disabling and enabling again the tasks feature in the project worked! Finally :slight_smile:
Thank you very much

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