Call with another table Action

Hi everyone,
I usually don't ask for help from scratch on something but here I think I need it :slight_smile:

As per the subject, I find the Call with another table function very interesting but I'm having trouble understanding how to use it.

I had understood that, unlike the "Iterate" action, in which I pass to another module parameter by parameter, with this action I could pass an entire dataset, process it all at once and then get the results back.
If that were the case, I can't figure out how to have a starting point in the called project/module, to begin the various transformations. Personally I tried to create a series of parameters, and as the first block I put a Parameter table to work with a sample record, but it doesn't seem to me to be the right way.

Do you have an example use case on how it works, perhaps to download and put in your documentation?

Hi Carlo,

For your reference, all EasyMorph actions are described with examples in our web-help. For instance, here is the help article about the "Call with another table" action: EasyMorph Help: Call with another table

When using the action, the starting point in the called workflow must be the "Input" action. The "Call with another table" action passes the table configured in the action settings to the "Input" action when the workflow is executed.

Note when editing the workflow, the "Input" action is empty, i.e. it has no output. The output is populated under the hood when the workflow is executed. However, when editing, you can press the "Populate" button in the action settings to copy the other table of the calling action.

Here, you can see how the action can be chained to build data quality pipelines:

Here is a sample project that demonstrates how the "Call with another table" action can be used to build data quality pipelines:

data-quality-pipeline.morph (9.7 KB)

Thank you Dmitry,
effectively I didn't consider "Input" action.
Very nice work!