% calculation; metric calculation not coming correctly

Hi, want to calculate % at aggregate level or group by....Pls. help
30+% = 30+DPD/AUM

how to show 30+% ...option getting is SUM, Count, Min, Max, Any, Average

Data set as below:
|AUM | 30+ DPD | 30+%|
|100 | 0 | |
|80 | 0 | |
|200 | 0 | |
|120 | 0 | |
|20 | 30 | |
|100 | 0 | |
|20 | 20 | |
|500 | 0 | |
|200 | 0 | |
|70 | 0 | |

|1410 | 50 | 3.5%|

If 30+% = 30+DPD/AUM then

The sum of 30+ DPD is 50.
The sum of AUM is 1410

50/1410 = 3.54%

What's coming incorrectly and what's the expected (correct) result?

Hi, same is xls based calculation

I want same calculation function in easymorph

What's the result in Excel?

above output is of Xls only, I want same output in easymorph

not able to write the function in easymorph

Use the "Aggregate" action to calculate the total sums for the two columns. Then divide one total sum by another.

See the project below:

aggregate - avg.morph (3.6 KB)

PS. If you haven't done it yet, I highly recommend going through the "Basics" part of our tutorial here: EasyMorph | Learn how to transform data

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