I want to do a calculation like this and I didn’t find a solution.
if ( [TypeFileOPE_lin]=1 and [Quantite_lin]>0 , “/C” , if ( [TypeFileOPE_lin]=1 and [Quantite_lin]<0 , “/D” , “” ) )
This is If , else if , else.
Thanks a lot
I want to do a calculation like this and I didn’t find a solution.
if ( [TypeFileOPE_lin]=1 and [Quantite_lin]>0 , “/C” , if ( [TypeFileOPE_lin]=1 and [Quantite_lin]<0 , “/D” , “” ) )
This is If , else if , else.
Thanks a lot
Hello @AlexandreV,
The formula looks correct to me. With one exception - there should be no whitespace characters between if
keywords and opening parentheses because if
is a function in EasyMorph.
This is the space in the formula.
Thank you
Hi @AlexandreV,
check out also the “Rule” action described here: https://easymorph.com/learn/transformations-calculations.html
This action’s purpose is to simplify nested IF/THEN/ELSE calculations.