Caching Project for quick start

Is there any way to cache a project file so it doesn’t have to run all the actions when I load it?

I’m loading quite a few large data sets with 620 actions and it can take 10 mins for the Project to load.

I have quite a few of these projects as we’re experimenting with different workflows, and as I had my first EasyMorph crash yesterday I don’t want to load more than a couple of Projects at a time!

That means I spend quite a bit of time waiting for Projects to load.

Is this a limitation of only using the Desktop version? Does the Server version get around this?

I am going to re-save the data in the EasyMorph format to see if that speeds things up - might make this a mute point!

Use EasyMorph dataset (.dset) files to cache data. Dataset files are native to EasyMorph and therefore load almost instantly.

Place the “Import dataset” action that loads a cached dataset next to an import action. Disable one and enable the other, or the other way around.


Tip: you can save the output of any action into a .dset file by right-clicking it and choosing “Save to file - > EasyMorph dataset”

You can also move big loads into a separate module, and then cache the result of the whole module using the same technique described above.

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Thank you for this - adding it into my workflows!

Just as a reference for others, it takes EasyMorph 2’33" to load CSV that has 24 columns and 20,803,095 rows - this is very quick compared to other data manipulation software I’ve used, even on much smaller data sets - I’m looking at you Excel and Power Query!

In native EasyMorph format it takes a about a second! At first I thought I was still looking at my original CSV input!


It will be at least twice faster in the next release (v5.6) :slight_smile: We've made some deep optimizations of CSV loading.

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A little update for those interested!

I saved all of my source files in the native EasyMorph format, and also changed the various files that are created for iteration processing in the native format, and a process that took 2 days or more using a “traditional” import into database and then processing from there takes just over 12 minutes!

Some more metrics!

Totals source CSVs - 36 - 16.1Gb - approx 100 million rows across 28 columns.

Total source .dset - 36 - 2.87 Gb - same data!

Using only CSVs (import and export to files to be iterated) the process takes just over 20 minutes - not a massive difference, but if we’re running this process for hundreds of clients it makes a huge difference.

Using the native files also means a project that can take over 10 minutes to load because it’s importing all the CSVs takes about 30 seconds using .dset files - ridiculous!

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Great stats! Thanks for sharing.

PS. It looks like we’re witnessing the first use of a meme on the forum over its 6-year history :slight_smile: