When running an EasyMorph project via a command prompt, is there a way to instruct it to export the resulting file without manual intervention?
Hi @MT-Dave,
Can you please clarify - what do you mean by "without manual intervention"? When a project is executed using the command-line worker (CLW) it is executed entirely including all export operations.
If there is an export action, normally these aren't executed automatically when a project is opened, and you have to click Run Action. But if I use something like this "C:\Users\djnim>C:\Users\djnim\AppData\Local\EasyMorph\Morph.exe /c "C:\G:\Data\EH files\Create_EH_File.morph"" I want the file to be exported automatically. If the CLW will work I'll try that, if it is available in the free version. Thanks.
Downloaded EasyMorphCmd.Setup.exe but it asked for a License Key, which I don't have.
I see. EasyMorph Desktop is not intended for running workflows from the command line. That's what CLW is for, but it's licensed separately. With the Desktop you can open projects from the command line but not run them.
For me to understand better your goal, why do you need to run workflows from the command line? What's your scenario?
I'm working with voter registration data, which I download daily. I love EasyMorph, but I'm retired and the subscription is a bit pricey. I've managed to get by with the free version, but have to save intermediate results often because of the 20-action limitation. I'm looking for a way I can automate the process of running several projects consecutively, which would mean the export action would have to be executed automatically, which I currently can't do.
Thanks for the details. Please see the DM I sent you.