Auto documentation flows on EasyMorph Server

Is there a way to get a list and graph of all jobs running in an EasyMorph server with start and end execution time, all sources and all destinations?
We are looking for a flexible way to document all jobs without managing them manually. We need to know which jobs touch some tables in db and which action is responsible for it.
I made a simple project to extract all the jobs and process the EasyMorph project files to extract custom SQL commands and parameters, but it's not a complete job. I can't capture the execution times of each project, I can't visually see which job is responsible for writing to a specific table on db etc.
Do you have any plans to release this type of feature?

If you need scheduled task execution times, you can obtain them using the "List tasks" command of the "EasyMorph Server command" action:


The actual task execution start/end times can be obtained from the journal database. It's not documented, but its format is straightforward and can be understood relatively easily.

Yes, I'll summarize what we would need and what would be very useful in terms of self-generated documentation:

  • job execution times in addition to the start date / end date
  • from a given table of a given database and schema, what are the jobs that write to it?
  • from a given table of a given database and schema, what are the jobs that read it?
  • there are jobs scheduled at a certain time that migrate data from one database to another database, I would like to know if there are any jobs that are dependent on this action.
    For example a job that reads data copied from the previous job.

P.s. We have many EasyMorph projects (around 80) and working on them with multiple people is not easy to keep the documentation updated, it would be very nice to have a tool to be able to find any problems quickly.
A typical case is when a problem is encountered with a failed job that migrates data from one database to another, but we don't know if there are other jobs that need to be relaunched to keep the data aligned and possibly whether or not it is appropriate to do so. at the given time that happens

For the journal database, how can I connect to it? Is there a sample project?

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