🇫🇷 Aidez-nous à traduire EasyMorph en français

We’re starting to work on a French localization of EasyMorph. Please send me a direct message if you would like to help us with translating the EasyMorph user interface and actions to French. Requirements:

  • At least 6 months of experience with EasyMorph
  • Native French
  • Can spend on translation up to 4 hours per week

The project duration is expected to be 3-4 months. The rate is EUR 40 per hour.

As a proof of concept, we’ve just translated EasyMorph Server Monitor to French.

If you think about translation to German, I offer my support for translation.

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I was wondering if the french translation was still on the roadmap ?

It's still on the roadmap, but with a changed focus - we will re-target our localization efforts to the Server UI instead of the Desktop.