Affiliate marketing

I have been using this application for almost two years and I was wondering if there is an affiliate marketing available in easymorph platform or something like a affiliate referral link to encourage users on bringing more users to this great application.

Good timing! We are working on a referral program right now and will be launching it right in the next release (5.7). It will be possible to register your recommendation right from EasyMorph Desktop and get rewarded when EasyMorph licenses are purchased on your recommendation.

Initially, the recommendation program will only be available to users who:

  1. have the paid Professional user license, and
  2. live in a country that is eligible for the recommendation program

Payouts will be substantial - up to $500 and even more.


I love this idea. As I am using it for client jobs, I am certainly telling them about this and referring them on this opportunity. Great idea Dmitry! Thank you!

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