This is already on the roadmap for v5. Every group will be able to have a shadow workflow which will be invoked when an action in a specific table in the group, or any action in the group, fails.
Can you please elaborate on that one? How would you envision it?
We already support embedded PowerShell scripting. Scripts can receive data from EasyMorph, and EasyMorph can capture the output of a script. See this tutorial article: PowerShell scripting
I support your request. I know EasyMorph is a graphical ETL-tool and I know that powershell scripting is supported but for data manipulation that fall outside the scope of the actions I think support for R/python would be a nice feature. Some other ETL-tools also support this.
Some more flexibility in some actions would be interesting as well like run an action based on a condition. Now we can only skip all actions in a table after the skip actions action. It would be nice if we could do this at the level of an individual action as well.
Other improvements: be able to perform operations on a bunch of columns without the explicit use of iterations or unpivoting. Be able to upload download actions from e.g. sharepoint, S3 using wildcards, etc.