Adding an ignore option for some actions when columns do not exist would greatly help in some projects which needs flexibility:
Case 1:
For some projects we have to convert the DataType of two columns. However in some cases one of the column won't be present (it can be one or the other). It is possible to bypass this via derived tables however it adds complexities in the project.
Context: customer upload a file with data and different columns, they are not forced to add a mobile number BUT if there is a mobile number we have to format it. The same goes for the invoice number. So once they can upload a file without a column Phone and the other time it will be without the column Invoice.
Actual solution implemented: add a "calculate new column" after the import with those two columns which will be renamed 'xxxxxxx(1)' if they already exist, afterward use the function "keep columns".
Case 2:
The same issue is happening on some other actions like the "remove columns" action, in some cases we have to remove three columns but in other cases we need to remove two. And we cannot use the "keep columns" function because the ones that we have to keep will vary as well.
Context: Customers will upload a file with a phone number and an email. An API is called to make some verification (eg: the number is a mobile or not). Depending of the type of phone the API will provide different fields. If there is only one type of of phone then some columns won't be in the response. But sometimes they are present and we need to remove them afterward.
Actual Solution Implemented: Derive tables + skip actions + more derive tables + skip actions.
So in those cases we can always find solutions to fix the lack of options in some actions. But we think that having some type of rules/options which will bypass the action if the column is not found would be a great feature which would offer more flexibility in some projects.