5.8.1 not responding with some projects


with upgrading from version 5.8.0 to 5.8.1 I’m facing an issue.
I can’t open many of my projects anymore.
On opening, EM goes full throttle on one core and appears "not responding".
The projects have many intertable operations like join, append, keep/remove matching.

I split one project into many modules.
I can now load it but the running time increases from 6s to 190s on a very basic datasource.
If I try to add an intertable action like join, EM is not responding.
I need then to kill EM process, open the morph project as an XML file and change the SecondTableExists value to true manually.
Then I can reopen and run the project.

Could you give me a little help ?

Hello Christophe,

Is it possible for you to share one of those projects with us? If so, please send it to support@easymorph.com

Hi Andrew,

not that easy.
I'll see this week end how to proceed.
I'll try to extract the blocking part.


Hello Christophe,

Could you please check the full version of the application (which can be seen in About/Diagnostic Information, something like - e8418b, 'Release')? If it's not the most recent one (, please try installing it, as it is possible that a similar regression was fixed in that build.



I'm using the EasyMorph version: (189a1c, 'Release').
It doesn't seem the is available for download


It seems to be mislabeled; the build that is available here is . Can you please try installing it to see if the problem is resolved?

tested with EasyMorph version: (e8418b, 'Release')

Waouh, that's fast now. faster than with the 5.8.0 version.
around 15% faster.
No more problems to create an intertable transformation.

Metadata extraction of projects is also very (very, very) fast.

testing projects

  • 17 modules, 34 groups, 231 tables, 1459 transformations
  • 17 modules, 32 groups, 259 tables, 1580 transformations
  • 39 modules, 69 groups, 514 tables, 2877 transformations

Running time don't exceed 25s.

I'll run some other tests but at first look it seems ok.

Great work. Thank you


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Glad to hear the update helped! There was a regression in version, but I wasn’t certain it was related to this particular issue. Please let us know if you encounter any further problems, and we’ll be happy to assist.

For me it seems the regression was already in the version.