{ "latest_posts":[ { "id":5610, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-19T20:14:19.559Z", "cooked":"

You can use thepadstart() function to add leading zeros to the result of the isoweeknumber() function. E.g.:

padstart(isoweeknumber(#2018-12-31), '0', 2) //returns \"01\"
", "post_number":6, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-19T20:14:19.559Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":5, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":1, "readers_count":0, "score":0.2, "yours":false, "topic_id":845, "topic_slug":"date-from-isoweeknumber", "topic_title":"Date from isoweeknumber", "topic_html_title":"Date from isoweeknumber", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"Dieter", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/d/977dab/{size}.png" }, "raw":"You can use the[padstart()](https://help.easymorph.com/doku.php?id=syntax:functions:padstart) function to add leading zeros to the result of the [isoweeknumber()](https://help.easymorph.com/doku.php?id=syntax:functions:isoweeknumber) function. E.g.:\n\n padstart(isoweeknumber(#2018-12-31), '0', 2) //returns \"01\"", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5609, "name":"Dieter Ebers", "username":"Dieter", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/d/977dab/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-19T18:45:03.447Z", "cooked":"
  1. Is there a solution to format the Isoweek with two digits (01-52)?
  2. \n
  3. 31.12.2018 ist week 1 in 2019 how can the value be determined? Is there a Function like weekjear?
  4. \n
", "post_number":5, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-19T18:45:03.447Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":2, "readers_count":0, "score":5.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":845, "topic_slug":"date-from-isoweeknumber", "topic_title":"Date from isoweeknumber", "topic_html_title":"Date from isoweeknumber", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dieter Ebers", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"1. Is there a solution to format the Isoweek with two digits (01-52)? \n2. 31.12.2018 ist week 1 in 2019 how can the value be determined? Is there a Function like weekjear?", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":407, "hidden":false, "trust_level":0, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5607, "name":"Andrew Rybka", "username":"andrew.rybka", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/andrew.rybka/{size}/13_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-19T15:50:26.561Z", "cooked":"

Hello Anna and welcome to the Community!


Can you please check what will happen if the user which gets that error will:


Can you please also make that error to appear, then go the OneDrive online, naviage to that file and open it’s version history. Will there be a new version of that file?

", "post_number":2, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-19T15:50:26.561Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":0.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":1857, "topic_slug":"easymorph-error", "topic_title":"EasyMorph Error", "topic_html_title":"EasyMorph Error", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Andrew Rybka", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hello Anna and welcome to the Community!\n\nCan you please check what will happen if the user which gets that error will:\n- navigate to the mentioned file with the Windows explorer and open that file\n- click on a blue arrow to the right of the \"Load file\" option of the \"Import Excel spreadsheet\" action in EasyMorph.\n\nCan you please also make that error to appear, then go the OneDrive online, naviage to that file and open it's version history. Will there be a new version of that file?", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":2, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5606, "name":"Anna", "username":"anna.gaska", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/a/57b2e6/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-19T13:28:07.350Z", "cooked":"

I have issue regarding Easy Morph project - when I am running EM project everything works, file is uploading correctly and there aren’t errors, however when other user try to run project using his account & OneDrive- there is below error:




It looks like EM doesn’t read the files format, however we are taking into account exactly the same file from our mailbox, using my computer- project is running correctly, using other users account- there is mentioned error.
\nCould you please advise what action should be taken in this kind of situation?


Thank you

", "post_number":1, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-19T13:33:07.730Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":1, "reads":5, "readers_count":3, "score":8.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1857, "topic_slug":"easymorph-error", "topic_title":"EasyMorph Error", "topic_html_title":"EasyMorph Error", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Anna", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":2, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"I have issue regarding Easy Morph project - when I am running EM project everything works, file is uploading correctly and there aren't errors, however when other user try to run project using his account & OneDrive- there is below error:\n\n![image|601x350](upload://FppuTSPERg3dC4F4M9i4R7ilxj.png) \n\nIt looks like EM doesn't read the files format, however we are taking into account **exactly the same file** from our mailbox, using my computer- project is running correctly, using other users account- there is mentioned error.\nCould you please advise what action should be taken in this kind of situation?\n\nThank you", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":406, "hidden":false, "trust_level":0, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5604, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-19T07:39:32.328Z", "cooked":"

Hello @hundredplanks and welcome to the Community!


EasyMorph doesn’t have the running product aggregation out of the box. However, it can be calculated using iterations, which is a bit advanced topic that requires some learning.


Simply speaking, iterations is a loop. It takes a table, and for each row of the table it runs another module in the same EasyMorph project. The other module performs calculations that need to be repeated as many time as many rows in the original table. Row data (such as Value in your example) can be passed to the iterated module via module parameters.


For a running product, we also need to pass the result of previous multiplication from row to row. Which means that we need to create a temporary file that will accumulate the result of running product.


Before such recursive iteration, the initial value of the running product should be set to 1, so we create a temporary file with that value. In the iterated module we read the accumulated product from the temporary file, multiply it by the given row value, and save the product back to the same file so that it can be passed to the next row.


Finally, we append the column with running product to the original dataset using the “Append table” action in the “Append columns” mode.


See below the example the does the described above.


running-product.morph (6.1 KB)


\nimage.png801×566 18.2 KB\n


It may sound a bit complicated, but it actually took me longer to write this post than to design the example.

", "post_number":2, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-19T07:41:06.803Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":5, "readers_count":3, "score":1.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1854, "topic_slug":"product-of-rows-in-a-column", "topic_title":"Product of Rows in a Column", "topic_html_title":"Product of Rows in a Column", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hello @hundredplanks and welcome to the Community!\n\nEasyMorph doesn't have the running product aggregation out of the box. However, it can be calculated using [iterations](https://easymorph.com/learn/iterations.html), which is a bit advanced topic that requires some learning.\n\nSimply speaking, iterations is a loop. It takes a table, and for each row of the table it runs another [module](https://easymorph.com/learn/subprojects.html) in the same EasyMorph project. The other module performs calculations that need to be repeated as many time as many rows in the original table. Row data (such as Value in your example) can be passed to the iterated module via module [parameters](https://easymorph.com/learn/parameters.html).\n\nFor a running product, we also need to pass the result of previous multiplication from row to row. Which means that we need to create a temporary file that will accumulate the result of running product.\n\nBefore such recursive iteration, the initial value of the running product should be set to 1, so we create a temporary file with that value. In the iterated module we read the accumulated product from the temporary file, multiply it by the given row value, and save the product back to the same file so that it can be passed to the next row.\n\nFinally, we append the column with running product to the original dataset using the \"Append table\" action in the \"Append columns\" mode.\n\nSee below the example the does the described above.\n\n[running-product.morph|attachment](upload://8o7F1FHzlEr0hUV2BgCLFNEMKqk.morph) (6.1 KB) \n\n![image|690x487](upload://9HLUTOdGE5qKexhmUoXIlB4uIl1.png) \n\nIt may sound a bit complicated, but it actually took me longer to write this post than to design the example.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5602, "name":"Vial", "username":"AlexandreV", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/a/35a633/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-18T16:20:07.631Z", "cooked":"

Whaou !! thanks a lot, very impressive.

", "post_number":5, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-18T16:20:15.112Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":0.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":1849, "topic_slug":"iterate-through-a-set-of-column", "topic_title":"Iterate through a set of column", "topic_html_title":"Iterate through a set of column", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Vial", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Whaou !! thanks a lot, very impressive.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":404, "hidden":false, "trust_level":0, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5601, "name":"", "username":"hundredplanks", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/h/c0e974/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-18T11:09:31.778Z", "cooked":"

Hello, I need to compute a running product in a column. This is similar to a running total, but instead I need to multiply the row values in a column and store the result of each row in a new column. I’ve uploaded an excel file with two sheets that demonstrates what I’m trying to accomplish.




rowproduct example.xlsx (10.6 KB)

", "post_number":1, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-18T11:09:31.778Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":1.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":1854, "topic_slug":"product-of-rows-in-a-column", "topic_title":"Product of Rows in a Column", "topic_html_title":"Product of Rows in a Column", "category_id":1, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hello, I need to compute a running product in a column. This is similar to a running total, but instead I need to multiply the row values in a column and store the result of each row in a new column. I've uploaded an excel file with two sheets that demonstrates what I'm trying to accomplish.\n\nThanks!\n\n[rowproduct example.xlsx|attachment](upload://zWZtVB3dzJ147k3iREtMmsDUGGf.xlsx) (10.6 KB)", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":405, "hidden":false, "trust_level":0, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5599, "name":"", "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-17T18:27:55.907Z", "cooked":"

Hi Vitaly,


It appears in the iterate action. When there are a lot of available parameters, I cannot see all parameters. Example below. Some part of the scroll bar disappears from screen.


\nimage.png1433×738 77.4 KB\n

", "post_number":3, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-17T18:27:55.907Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":2, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":1.2, "yours":false, "topic_id":1845, "topic_slug":"cannot-see-all-parameters-in-parameters-window", "topic_title":"Cannot see all parameters in parameters window", "topic_html_title":"Cannot see all parameters in parameters window", "category_id":3, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"vitaly", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/v/838e76/{size}.png" }, "raw":"Hi Vitaly,\n\nIt appears in the iterate action. When there are a lot of available parameters, I cannot see all parameters. Example below. Some part of the scroll bar disappears from screen.\n\n![image|690x355](upload://A5qPG0eqY8KzR2piomSEl0xWZvd.png)", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":120, "hidden":false, "trust_level":2, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5598, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-17T12:11:26.575Z", "cooked":"

I still don’t think you need an “Iterate column” here. The “Iterate column” action is needed when the same calculation needs to be applied to every column (except selected excluded). Here it’s not the case.


Unpivoting and re-pivoting would do the job perfectly. Just remember to keep rows properly enumerated (i.e. provided with distinct IDs) for the final re-pivoting to work correctly as it uses the “Any” aggregation. Here you go:


block-pivot.morph (4.8 KB)


\nimage.png1151×481 25.9 KB\n

", "post_number":4, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-18T16:20:15.267Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":5, "readers_count":3, "score":31.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1849, "topic_slug":"iterate-through-a-set-of-column", "topic_title":"Iterate through a set of column", "topic_html_title":"Iterate through a set of column", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"I still don't think you need an \"Iterate column\" here. The \"Iterate column\" action is needed when the same calculation needs to be applied to every column (except selected excluded). Here it's not the case.\n\nUnpivoting and re-pivoting would do the job perfectly. Just remember to keep rows properly enumerated (i.e. provided with distinct IDs) for the final re-pivoting to work correctly as it uses the \"Any\" aggregation. Here you go:\n\n[block-pivot.morph|attachment](upload://5icrGfTGgzbmG2l5AuSiqb43QvR.morph) (4.8 KB) \n\n![image|690x288](upload://ylNOVlN0k3tOM3rGYCZ0TtNggd2.png)", "actions_summary":[ { "id":2, "count":2 } ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":true }, { "id":5597, "name":"", "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-16T18:32:15.696Z", "cooked":"

Hi Dmitry,


Yes that I was planning to do \":slight_smile:\" Thanks for the advise !

", "post_number":14, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-16T18:32:15.696Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":13, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":6, "readers_count":4, "score":1.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":969, "topic_slug":"select-matching-database-rows-select-all-columns", "topic_title":"Select matching database rows - select all columns", "topic_html_title":"Select matching database rows - select all columns", "category_id":1, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png" }, "raw":"Hi Dmitry,\n\nYes that I was planning to do :slight_smile: Thanks for the advise !\nNikolaas", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":120, "hidden":false, "trust_level":2, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5596, "name":"", "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-15T16:16:52.140Z", "cooked":"

Thanks !

", "post_number":3, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-15T16:16:52.140Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":2, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":0.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":1852, "topic_slug":"error-no-space-left-on-device", "topic_title":"Error: no space left on device", "topic_html_title":"Error: no space left on device", "category_id":8, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png" }, "raw":"Thanks !", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":120, "hidden":false, "trust_level":2, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5595, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-15T15:29:26.459Z", "cooked":"

It’s a database error. Check available disk space on your database server.

", "post_number":2, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-15T15:30:41.051Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":5.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":1852, "topic_slug":"error-no-space-left-on-device", "topic_title":"Error: no space left on device", "topic_html_title":"Error: no space left on device", "category_id":8, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"It's a database error. Check available disk space on your database server.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5594, "name":"", "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-15T14:58:55.454Z", "cooked":"



We get the following error when running a task on EM Server. What does this error mean ? What is meant by “device”. Is this EasyMorph Server or is this related to our database instance?


000069 ERROR action “Import from database”, module “Main”, table “Staging data epb_owner.adres”: 53100: could not write to temporary file: No space left on device

", "post_number":1, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-15T14:58:55.454Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":0.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":1852, "topic_slug":"error-no-space-left-on-device", "topic_title":"Error: no space left on device", "topic_html_title":"Error: no space left on device", "category_id":8, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hi,\n\nWe get the following error when running a task on EM Server. What does this error mean ? What is meant by \"device\". Is this EasyMorph Server or is this related to our database instance?\n\n000069 ERROR action \"Import from database\", module \"Main\", table \"Staging data epb_owner.adres\": 53100: could not write to temporary file: No space left on device", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":120, "hidden":false, "trust_level":2, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5593, "name":"Vial", "username":"AlexandreV", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/a/35a633/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-15T12:38:58.422Z", "cooked":"

Thank you so much,
\ni think it’s a good way but there’s a lot of datas in the file. I have made 2 samples files for better understanding.in.csv (1.3 KB) Out.csv (437 Bytes)

\nCapture d’écran 2020-05-15 à 14.48.56.png1060×567 26.7 KB\n

\nI have made a try like this and another one with iterate column. the first works but it’s hardcoded and the second one don’t work because I couldn’t pass a set of column to another module.

", "post_number":3, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-15T12:51:13.511Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":2, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":11.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":1849, "topic_slug":"iterate-through-a-set-of-column", "topic_title":"Iterate through a set of column", "topic_html_title":"Iterate through a set of column", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Vial", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":2, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Thank you so much,\ni think it's a good way but there's a lot of datas in the file. I have made 2 samples files for better understanding.[in.csv|attachment](upload://m7N1nZvtLpxpdhrTv9VuR9hwciO.csv) (1.3 KB) [Out.csv|attachment](upload://5lp8vFjBp8Eeq7Bao8IdVjZ7cMa.csv) (437 Bytes)![56|690x369](upload://zbMLZSixsuCyyr4nRyUELO1UyBu.png) \nI have made a try like this and another one with iterate column. the first works but it's hardcoded and the second one don't work because I couldn't pass a set of column to another module.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":404, "hidden":false, "trust_level":0, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5592, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-15T10:56:05.682Z", "cooked":"

Here is an example of using the “Interval merge” action. Data points are merged with values that correspond to ranges defined in a lookup table.


interval-merge.morph (3.4 KB)


\nimage.png709×471 6.77 KB\n

", "post_number":1, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-15T10:56:05.682Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":1, "reads":5, "readers_count":3, "score":1.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1851, "topic_slug":"example-of-using-interval-merge", "topic_title":"Example of using Interval Merge", "topic_html_title":"Example of using Interval Merge", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Here is an example of using the \"Interval merge\" action. Data points are merged with values that correspond to ranges defined in a lookup table.\n\n[interval-merge.morph|attachment](upload://3ROZA38vhs9S7bXLcNKPIjudF61.morph) (3.4 KB) \n\n![image|690x458](upload://8YSSkWtenE55hp9X0RDeZkhIYnG.png)", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5591, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-15T10:32:04.030Z", "cooked":"

Hello and welcome to the Community!


Yes, it can easily be done in EasyMorph using actions for splitting delimited values and pivoting. See the example below.


split-and-pivot.morph (3.1 KB)


\nimage.png944×436 17.3 KB\n

", "post_number":2, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-15T10:32:34.640Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":2, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":11.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":1849, "topic_slug":"iterate-through-a-set-of-column", "topic_title":"Iterate through a set of column", "topic_html_title":"Iterate through a set of column", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hello and welcome to the Community!\n\nYes, it can easily be done in EasyMorph using actions for splitting delimited values and pivoting. See the example below.\n\n[split-and-pivot.morph|attachment](upload://yZ7ZnYoXgHG23ru8w25PDutMfgp.morph) (3.1 KB) \n\n![image|690x318](upload://kyFBTCYmHeF6FdKrQMJAHVV1MH4.png)", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5590, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-15T10:17:32.690Z", "cooked":"

Here is a solution for a case when a group of files needs to be processed only when all of them are present, i.e. no file is missing.


The example below demonstrates using the “Halt on condition” action in order to halt project execution when fewer than 4 files are present in a list of files.


Enable/disable the filter action in the “List of files” table in order to trigger the halting condition.


file-count-halt.morph (2.9 KB)


\nimage.png1099×498 27.8 KB\n

", "post_number":1, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-15T10:17:32.690Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":1, "reads":5, "readers_count":3, "score":6.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1850, "topic_slug":"process-a-group-of-files-only-when-all-of-them-are-present", "topic_title":"Process a group of files only when all of them are present", "topic_html_title":"Process a group of files only when all of them are present", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Here is a solution for a case when a group of files needs to be processed only when all of them are present, i.e. no file is missing.\n\nThe example below demonstrates using the \"Halt on condition\" action in order to halt project execution when fewer than 4 files are present in a list of files.\n\nEnable/disable the filter action in the \"List of files\" table in order to trigger the halting condition.\n\n[file-count-halt.morph|attachment](upload://zJqXVSbMintqzS3bYdfpLMj9c45.morph) (2.9 KB) \n\n![image|690x312](upload://gZfX3TvuslGOqyUn3U6UivhDtQm.png)", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5589, "name":"Vial", "username":"AlexandreV", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/a/35a633/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-15T09:49:38.267Z", "cooked":"

\ni’m a newbie on EasyMorph (and i’m french sorry for my english).


I want to split a file by a group of column and i have no success at this time with iterate column.


My file is like this


Header :
\nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur1 ; Cur2 ; Cur3 ; Cur(…n) ; Value1 ; Value2 ; Value3 ; Value(…n)


And i want to have this result
\nHeader :
\nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur ; Value
\nAll line in the file with this structure :
\nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur1 ; Value1
\nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur2 ; Value2
\nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur3 ; Value3
\nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur(n) ; Value(n)


I could fix n to 20 and derive 20 times but it’s not a good way


Is there an easy way with EM to do that ?

", "post_number":1, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-15T09:54:15.029Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":1.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":1849, "topic_slug":"iterate-through-a-set-of-column", "topic_title":"Iterate through a set of column", "topic_html_title":"Iterate through a set of column", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Vial", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":2, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hello, \ni'm a newbie on EasyMorph (and i'm french sorry for my english). \n\nI want to split a file by a group of column and i have no success at this time with iterate column. \n\nMy file is like this\n\n**Header :** \nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur1 ; Cur2 ; Cur3 ; Cur(...n) ; Value1 ; Value2 ; Value3 ; Value(...n)\n\nAnd i want to have this result\n**Header :** \nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur ; Value\nAll line in the file with this structure :\nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur1 ; Value1\nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur2 ; Value2\nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur3 ; Value3\n...\nDataA ; DataB ; DataC ; Cur(n) ; Value(n)\n\nI could fix n to 20 and derive 20 times but it's not a good way\n\nIs there an easy way with EM to do that ?", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":404, "hidden":false, "trust_level":0, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5587, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-14T19:37:33.369Z", "cooked":"

Hi Nikolaas,


You can already do it. Just import a database table into EasyMorph and do a merge in EasyMorph. It’s just one extra action.

", "post_number":13, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-14T19:37:33.369Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":6, "readers_count":4, "score":6.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":969, "topic_slug":"select-matching-database-rows-select-all-columns", "topic_title":"Select matching database rows - select all columns", "topic_html_title":"Select matching database rows - select all columns", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hi Nikolaas,\n\nYou can already do it. Just import a database table into EasyMorph and do a merge in EasyMorph. It's just one extra action.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5586, "name":"", "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-14T19:03:04.072Z", "cooked":"

Hi Dmitry,


Are there plans to integrate a feature so that we can do joins between EasyMorph tables and database tables (e.g. a LEFT JOIN) ?


Thanks !

", "post_number":12, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-14T19:03:04.072Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":11, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":6, "readers_count":4, "score":1.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":969, "topic_slug":"select-matching-database-rows-select-all-columns", "topic_title":"Select matching database rows - select all columns", "topic_html_title":"Select matching database rows - select all columns", "category_id":1, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png" }, "raw":"Hi Dmitry,\n\nAre there plans to integrate a feature so that we can do joins between EasyMorph tables and database tables (e.g. a LEFT JOIN) ?\n\nThanks !\nNikolaas", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":120, "hidden":false, "trust_level":2, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5585, "name":"", "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-14T19:00:54.325Z", "cooked":"

Hi Dmitry,


Works fine. I have scheduled it every 5 minutes so that we have more measurements each hour.
\nWhat would be nice is a real time graph as we have in windows task manager.


Thanks !

", "post_number":5, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-14T19:00:54.325Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":4, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":3, "readers_count":1, "score":0.6, "yours":false, "topic_id":1589, "topic_slug":"how-to-set-up-free-ram-monitoring-using-pages", "topic_title":"How to set up free RAM monitoring using Pages", "topic_html_title":"How to set up free RAM monitoring using Pages", "category_id":8, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png" }, "raw":"Hi Dmitry,\n\nWorks fine. I have scheduled it every 5 minutes so that we have more measurements each hour.\nWhat would be nice is a real time graph as we have in windows task manager. \n\nThanks !\nNikolaas", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":120, "hidden":false, "trust_level":2, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5584, "name":"romain.jourdan", "username":"RJO", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/rjo/{size}/536_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-14T08:05:28.047Z", "cooked":"

Ok, i understand the technical limitation. Did not know about that.

", "post_number":4, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-14T08:05:28.047Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":0.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":1669, "topic_slug":"export-several-tables-into-the-same-excel-file-in-1-action", "topic_title":"Export several tables into the same Excel file in 1 action", "topic_html_title":"Export several tables into the same Excel file in 1 action", "category_id":5, "display_username":"romain.jourdan", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":"", "raw":"Ok, i understand the technical limitation. Did not know about that.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":92, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5583, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-13T22:15:44.575Z", "cooked":"

“Select matching DB rows” works like SELECT WHERE EXISTS. It’s not meant to be an equivalent of a join.

", "post_number":11, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-13T22:15:44.575Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":10, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":6.2, "yours":false, "topic_id":969, "topic_slug":"select-matching-database-rows-select-all-columns", "topic_title":"Select matching database rows - select all columns", "topic_html_title":"Select matching database rows - select all columns", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png" }, "raw":"\"Select matching DB rows\" works like SELECT WHERE EXISTS. It's not meant to be an equivalent of a join.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5582, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-13T22:11:33.811Z", "cooked":"

Any action in EasyMorph by design can only work with no more than 2 datasets – the one from previous action and an external one. Even if we made an export to Excel action that exports 2 tables at once it would hardly make things dramatically easier.

", "post_number":3, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-14T11:29:12.655Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":0.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":1669, "topic_slug":"export-several-tables-into-the-same-excel-file-in-1-action", "topic_title":"Export several tables into the same Excel file in 1 action", "topic_html_title":"Export several tables into the same Excel file in 1 action", "category_id":5, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":2, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Any action in EasyMorph by design can only work with no more than 2 datasets -- the one from previous action and an external one. Even if we made an export to Excel action that exports 2 tables at once it would hardly make things dramatically easier.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5581, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-13T22:08:43.396Z", "cooked":"

It looks like you need to use the eval() function here. For instance, if parameter {CAMPO PRODUCTO A} has value \"[PLANT - B]\" then expression


evaluates to

eval(\"[PLANT - B]\")\n

which in turn evaluates to the actual value in column [PLANT - B] instead of text string \"[PLANT - B]\".

", "post_number":2, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-14T07:28:49.730Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":6, "readers_count":4, "score":16.2, "yours":false, "topic_id":1847, "topic_slug":"iterate-table-action-with-column-names-sent-as-parameters", "topic_title":"\"Iterate table\" action with column names sent as parameters", "topic_html_title":"“Iterate table” action with column names sent as parameters", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"It looks like you need to use the eval() function here. For instance, if parameter {CAMPO PRODUCTO A} has value `\"[PLANT - B]\"` then expression\n\n eval({CAMPO PRODUCTO A})\n\nevaluates to \n\n eval(\"[PLANT - B]\")\n\nwhich in turn evaluates to the actual value in column [PLANT - B] instead of text string `\"[PLANT - B]\"`.", "actions_summary":[ { "id":2, "count":1 } ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":true }, { "id":5580, "name":"Roberto Ortega", "username":"roberto", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/roberto/{size}/1514_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-13T17:25:32.090Z", "cooked":"



I’m using the “iterate table” action to do multiple comparisons of columns at once. I want to do the same comparison over multiple pairs of columns (in total, 93 pairs), so I thought about using the “iterate table” action to pass the original table with the data + iterate a table that has a list of the 93 different pairs of column names to be compared. These column names are to be included as parameters in the expressions found in the iterating module.


Here is the table with the different pairs of column names I’m iterating, sending each value as a parameter:


\nimage.png1142×1006 68.5 KB\n


And here are the expressions in the iterating module, where I want the parameter to act as a column name of the table I’m passing:


\nimage.png1712×1244 133 KB\n


However, the expressions in the module are not recognizing the parameter as a column in the table, but as text. In the first iteration for example, for parameter {CAMPO PRODUCTO A} it is interpreting literally “[PLANT - A]”, and for parameter {CAMPO PRODUCTO B} it is interpreting literally “[PLANT - B]”, so its comparing these two texts, instead of going to search for the value of the column [PLANT - A] and [PLANT B], which actually exist in the table I am passing.


Is there a way for the expression to recognize that the parameter as an actual column, and not as text?


Thanks very much,



", "post_number":1, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-13T22:09:19.044Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":6, "readers_count":4, "score":1.2, "yours":false, "topic_id":1847, "topic_slug":"iterate-table-action-with-column-names-sent-as-parameters", "topic_title":"\"Iterate table\" action with column names sent as parameters", "topic_html_title":"“Iterate table” action with column names sent as parameters", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Roberto Ortega", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":4, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":"", "raw":"Hello,\n\nI'm using the \"iterate table\" action to do multiple comparisons of columns at once. I want to do the same comparison over multiple pairs of columns (in total, 93 pairs), so I thought about using the \"iterate table\" action to pass the original table with the data + iterate a table that has a list of the 93 different pairs of column names to be compared. These column names are to be included as parameters in the expressions found in the iterating module.\n\nHere is the table with the different pairs of column names I'm iterating, sending each value as a parameter:\n\n![image|567x500](upload://uDTi4WzHvdChNktBY9O5BaBCBUO.png)\n\nAnd here are the expressions in the iterating module, where I want the parameter to act as a column name of the table I'm passing:\n\n![image|688x500](upload://oHrwEw7cEp3fR59L0ZpdxiC040N.png) \n\nHowever, the expressions in the module are not recognizing the parameter as a column in the table, but as text. In the first iteration for example, for parameter {CAMPO PRODUCTO A} it is interpreting literally \"[PLANT - A]\", and for parameter {CAMPO PRODUCTO B} it is interpreting literally \"[PLANT - B]\", so its comparing these two texts, instead of going to search for the value of the column [PLANT - A] and [PLANT B], which actually exist in the table I am passing. \n\nIs there a way for the expression to recognize that the parameter as an actual column, and not as text?\n\nThanks very much,\n\nRoberto", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":358, "hidden":false, "trust_level":1, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5579, "name":"romain.jourdan", "username":"RJO", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/rjo/{size}/536_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-13T17:21:51.305Z", "cooked":"

Don’t you think it would be very useful ? A little up here. A bit annoying that Easymorph can handle only one sheet and if you want more, you have to do very complex thing like other exports + synchronize or call modules. I’m sure an action that export several tables in one action would be easy to implement. In parameter you could have the name of the excel of course + the name of the sheets for each table exported (they can be the name of table by default)

", "post_number":2, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-13T17:21:51.305Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":0.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":1669, "topic_slug":"export-several-tables-into-the-same-excel-file-in-1-action", "topic_title":"Export several tables into the same Excel file in 1 action", "topic_html_title":"Export several tables into the same Excel file in 1 action", "category_id":5, "display_username":"romain.jourdan", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":"", "raw":"Don't you think it would be very useful ? A little up here. A bit annoying that Easymorph can handle only one sheet and if you want more, you have to do very complex thing like other exports + synchronize or call modules. I'm sure an action that export several tables in one action would be easy to implement. In parameter you could have the name of the excel of course + the name of the sheets for each table exported (they can be the name of table by default)", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":92, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5578, "name":"", "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-13T11:02:45.551Z", "cooked":"

Hi Dmitry,


Does the select matching database performs a LEFT JOIN or more like an INNER JOIN?


Now the select matching database only returns the columns from the database table. We lose the columns from our table in EasyMorph unless we create a derived table first and then perform the select matching database rows and then put that column back in the other table in EasyMorph. Why is it not possible to just append the columns from the database to the table in EasyMorph directly?



", "post_number":10, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-13T11:10:54.040Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":2, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":6.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":969, "topic_slug":"select-matching-database-rows-select-all-columns", "topic_title":"Select matching database rows - select all columns", "topic_html_title":"Select matching database rows - select all columns", "category_id":1, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png" }, "raw":"Hi Dmitry,\n\nDoes the select matching database performs a LEFT JOIN or more like an INNER JOIN?\n\nNow the select matching database only returns the columns from the database table. We lose the columns from our table in EasyMorph unless we create a derived table first and then perform the select matching database rows and then put that column back in the other table in EasyMorph. Why is it not possible to just append the columns from the database to the table in EasyMorph directly?\n\nThanks\nNikolaas", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":120, "hidden":false, "trust_level":2, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5577, "name":"Vitaly", "username":"vitaly", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/v/838e76/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-12T10:29:54.675Z", "cooked":"

Hi Nikolaas,


Could you please attach a screenshot so that we can identify the problem?



", "post_number":2, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-12T10:29:54.675Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":10, "readers_count":8, "score":6.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":1845, "topic_slug":"cannot-see-all-parameters-in-parameters-window", "topic_title":"Cannot see all parameters in parameters window", "topic_html_title":"Cannot see all parameters in parameters window", "category_id":3, "display_username":"Vitaly", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hi Nikolaas,\n\nCould you please attach a screenshot so that we can identify the problem?\n\nThanks", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":false, "staff":true, "user_id":3, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5576, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-12T09:10:01.605Z", "cooked":"\n

That’s not possible.


A solution to this would be to move the “Status” action into a conditionally derived table so that it gets executed only ever Nth iteration. For instance, 10/100, 20/100, 30/100, etc. when N = 10. If you have an iteration that runs thousands of times, then it would probably make sense to make N = 100 or 250 or even 1000.


Yes, that’s correct. The total number of iterations would have to be as a parameter in order to produce a status message with total count.

", "post_number":5, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-12T09:11:04.946Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":4, "quote_count":1, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":16.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":1445, "topic_slug":"show-more-progress-details-on-iterate-module", "topic_title":"Show more progress details on iterate module", "topic_html_title":"Show more progress details on iterate module", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":2, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"[quote=\"roberto, post:4, topic:1445\"]\nI was wondering if the iteration count “1/100, 2/100” @CTN was talking about can happen all in the same line of the log, which gets updated.\n[/quote]\nThat's not possible.\n\n[quote=\"roberto, post:4, topic:1445\"]\nI have iterations that take place thousands of times and it would be great if the log did not create thousands and thousands of lines every time.\n[/quote]\nA solution to this would be to move the \"Status\" action into a [conditionally derived table](https://easymorph.com/learn/conditional-workflows.html) so that it gets executed only ever Nth iteration. For instance, 10/100, 20/100, 30/100, etc. when N = 10. If you have an iteration that runs thousands of times, then it would probably make sense to make N = 100 or 250 or even 1000.\n\n[quote=\"roberto, post:4, topic:1445\"]\nWe would also have to pass 100 as a parameter to the module, so that through an expression in the Status action such as `{Current iteration}&'/'&{Total number of iterations}` we would get the desired result, right?\n[/quote]\nYes, that's correct. The total number of iterations would have to be as a parameter in order to produce a status message with total count.", "actions_summary":[ { "id":2, "count":1 } ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5575, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-12T07:58:17.535Z", "cooked":"

Hi Roberto,


some complex matching condition such as “starts with…” or “contains…” can be done using the “Match” action. However, matching conditions such as “[A] > [B]” where [A] and [B] are in different tables will require using “Cross merge” in order to produce all possible combinations of matches, and then filtering.

", "post_number":2, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-12T08:45:00.200Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":1.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":1846, "topic_slug":"cross-merge-example-of-complex-merging-matching", "topic_title":"Cross merge - example of complex merging/matching", "topic_html_title":"Cross merge - example of complex merging/matching", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hi Roberto,\n\nsome complex matching condition such as \"starts with...\" or \"contains...\" can be done using the \"Match\" action. However, matching conditions such as \"[A] > [B]\" where [A] and [B] are in different tables will require using \"Cross merge\" in order to produce all possible combinations of matches, and then filtering.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":true }, { "id":5574, "name":"Roberto Ortega", "username":"roberto", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/roberto/{size}/1514_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-12T07:46:18.738Z", "cooked":"



In the documentation for action “Cross merge” (https://help.easymorph.com/doku.php?id=transformations:crossmerge), it is mentioned that it can be useful “performing a complex merging/matching, where all possible combinations are later filtered using a complex condition”. What would be an example of this, to have an idea?


At the moment I’m doing a matching where I have to see all possible combinations of value across 6 different tables and check if they could match or not, so instead of using cross-merge (which work for only for 2 tables), I’m joining all the values in one table and then doing iterations where in each iteration, each value is compared to the rest (having filtered inside the iteration those values that are in the same table, as these shouldn’t be combined).


In any case, it would be great to understand what you mean by “performing a complex merging/matching” in the case of a cross merge, to see if it could be useful.


Thanks a lot!



", "post_number":1, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-12T07:46:18.738Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":1.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":1846, "topic_slug":"cross-merge-example-of-complex-merging-matching", "topic_title":"Cross merge - example of complex merging/matching", "topic_html_title":"Cross merge - example of complex merging/matching", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Roberto Ortega", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":"", "raw":"Hello,\n\nIn the documentation for action \"Cross merge\" (https://help.easymorph.com/doku.php?id=transformations:crossmerge), it is mentioned that it can be useful \"performing a complex merging/matching, where all possible combinations are later filtered using a complex condition\". What would be an example of this, to have an idea?\n\nAt the moment I'm doing a matching where I have to see all possible combinations of value across 6 different tables and check if they could match or not, so instead of using cross-merge (which work for only for 2 tables), I'm joining all the values in one table and then doing iterations where in each iteration, each value is compared to the rest (having filtered inside the iteration those values that are in the same table, as these shouldn't be combined).\n\nIn any case, it would be great to understand what you mean by \"performing a complex merging/matching\" in the case of a cross merge, to see if it could be useful.\n\nThanks a lot!\n\nRoberto", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":358, "hidden":false, "trust_level":1, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5573, "name":"", "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-12T05:53:33.184Z", "cooked":"



When I have a long list of parameters and I want to use them e.g. in the iterate action, I do not see all of my parameters. There’s no scroll bar to go down in the list when working on a smaller screen.



", "post_number":1, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-12T07:50:36.032Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":11, "readers_count":9, "score":2.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1845, "topic_slug":"cannot-see-all-parameters-in-parameters-window", "topic_title":"Cannot see all parameters in parameters window", "topic_html_title":"Cannot see all parameters in parameters window", "category_id":3, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":2, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hi,\n\nWhen I have a long list of parameters and I want to use them e.g. in the iterate action, I do not see all of my parameters. There's no scroll bar to go down in the list when working on a smaller screen.\n\nThanks,\nNikolaas", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":120, "hidden":false, "trust_level":2, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5572, "name":"Andrew Rybka", "username":"andrew.rybka", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/andrew.rybka/{size}/13_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-11T09:11:51.671Z", "cooked":"

@paramasivan.k, you should use /c instead of \\c in your command.


UPDATE: Also the whole command should be placed in a single line. You command now contains a line break after the ‘\\c’ argument and occupies two lines.

", "post_number":10, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-11T09:45:14.103Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":9, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":3, "readers_count":1, "score":0.6, "yours":false, "topic_id":834, "topic_slug":"running-easymorph-from-the-command-line", "topic_title":"Running EasyMorph from the command line", "topic_html_title":"Running EasyMorph from the command line", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Andrew Rybka", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":2, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"paramasivan.k", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/p/96bed5/{size}.png" }, "raw":"@paramasivan.k, you should use `/c` instead of `\\c` in your command.\n\n**UPDATE:** Also the whole command should be placed in a single line. You command now contains a line break after the '\\c' argument and occupies two lines.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":2, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5571, "name":"Andrew Rybka", "username":"andrew.rybka", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/andrew.rybka/{size}/13_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-11T09:06:55.477Z", "cooked":"

Nikolaas, upsert will not be implemented in the next release because it can’t be implemented with a common workflow for all the supported SQL dialects. But it’s possible that we will implement upsert in one of the following releases.


I can’t tell for your actual case without additional details, but in the general case you will be able to implement upsert with the following workflow:

\n", "post_number":7, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-11T09:06:55.477Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":6, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":5, "readers_count":3, "score":1.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1831, "topic_slug":"execute-sql-file-in-custom-database-command", "topic_title":"Execute SQL file in custom database command", "topic_html_title":"Execute SQL file in custom database command", "category_id":5, "display_username":"Andrew Rybka", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png" }, "raw":"Nikolaas, upsert will not be implemented in the next release because it can't be implemented with a common workflow for all the supported SQL dialects. But it's possible that we will implement upsert in one of the following releases.\n\nI can't tell for your actual case without additional details, but in the general case you will be able to implement upsert with the following workflow:\n\n* Use the \"Select matching DB rows action\" to import all the rows which are present in both EasyMorph dataset and target DB table.\n* Use the \"Update DB table\" action to update those rows\n* Use the \"Keep/remove matching\" action to create a dataset with rows which should be inserted\n* Use the \"Export to DB\" action to insert those rows to the target DB table.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":2, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5570, "name":"Andrew Rybka", "username":"andrew.rybka", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/andrew.rybka/{size}/13_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-11T08:39:59.856Z", "cooked":"

@User1, I can’t tell for sure without seeing internals of that message. EasyMorph should be able to fetch all the attachments from email messages which compile to the appropriate standards. On the one hand, it’s possible that some edge cases were not taken into account by the library, which is used internally by EasyMorph to parse emails, on the other hand, all the reported issues regarding attachments fetching were caused by corrupted or non-standard messages.

", "post_number":4, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-11T08:39:59.856Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":3, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":5, "readers_count":3, "score":1.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1841, "topic_slug":"fetching-attachments-from-emails", "topic_title":" Fetching attachments from emails", "topic_html_title":" Fetching attachments from emails", "category_id":3, "display_username":"Andrew Rybka", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"User1", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/u/5daacb/{size}.png" }, "raw":"@User1, I can't tell for sure without seeing internals of that message. EasyMorph should be able to fetch all the attachments from email messages which compile to the appropriate standards. On the one hand, it's possible that some edge cases were not taken into account by the library, which is used internally by EasyMorph to parse emails, on the other hand, all the reported issues regarding attachments fetching were caused by corrupted or non-standard messages.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":2, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5569, "name":"", "username":"User1", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/u/5daacb/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-11T07:36:05.903Z", "cooked":"

Thanks for the answer.
\nAre these files not fully supported yet or isn’t it planned to be implemented?
\nSorry it is not possible to send you the email because it contains sensitive data.

", "post_number":3, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-11T07:36:05.903Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":2, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":5, "readers_count":3, "score":6.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1841, "topic_slug":"fetching-attachments-from-emails", "topic_title":" Fetching attachments from emails", "topic_html_title":" Fetching attachments from emails", "category_id":3, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"andrew.rybka", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/andrew.rybka/{size}/13_2.png" }, "raw":"Thanks for the answer. \nAre these files not fully supported yet or isn't it planned to be implemented?\nSorry it is not possible to send you the email because it contains sensitive data.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":403, "hidden":false, "trust_level":1, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5568, "name":"", "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-11T06:29:22.072Z", "cooked":"

Hi Andrew,


Thanks. I am looking forward to the release !


Will it be possible to do an upsert with this action (so entirely new records create a new record and records to be updated are updated)?


Use case: we are building a data warehouse. We have an initial load from our source system. Besides that, we have a system that does CDC (change data capture) w.r.t. the initial load. If we could easily process all inserts, updates, deletes in the right order i.e. sorted on timestamp in the CDC-table, with one or two EasyMorph actions, this would greatly simplify an incremental load process.


Any ideas about how we could use this new update action for this case ?



", "post_number":6, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-11T06:29:22.072Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":5, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":5, "readers_count":3, "score":6.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1831, "topic_slug":"execute-sql-file-in-custom-database-command", "topic_title":"Execute SQL file in custom database command", "topic_html_title":"Execute SQL file in custom database command", "category_id":5, "display_username":"", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"andrew.rybka", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/andrew.rybka/{size}/13_2.png" }, "raw":"Hi Andrew,\n\nThanks. I am looking forward to the release !\n\nWill it be possible to do an upsert with this action (so entirely new records create a new record and records to be updated are updated)?\n\nUse case: we are building a data warehouse. We have an initial load from our source system. Besides that, we have a system that does CDC (change data capture) w.r.t. the initial load. If we could easily process all inserts, updates, deletes in the right order i.e. sorted on timestamp in the CDC-table, with one or two EasyMorph actions, this would greatly simplify an incremental load process.\n\nAny ideas about how we could use this new update action for this case ?\n\nThanks,\nNikolaas", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":120, "hidden":false, "trust_level":2, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5567, "name":"Paramasivan K", "username":"paramasivan.k", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/p/96bed5/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-11T04:16:24.635Z", "cooked":"

\nimage.png1366×768 34.7 KB\n


Screenshot1: This is opening the morph file.
\nProject is getting open, but Project execution is not getting completed.
\nWe need complete end to end executions of the pre confgured morph suite without any manual intervention.

", "post_number":9, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-11T04:16:24.635Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":5.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":834, "topic_slug":"running-easymorph-from-the-command-line", "topic_title":"Running EasyMorph from the command line", "topic_html_title":"Running EasyMorph from the command line", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Paramasivan K", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"![image|690x387](upload://yEUvs3SPJf8DJP1edHJpXn9mkf1.png) \n\nScreenshot1: This is opening the morph file.\nProject is getting open, but Project execution is not getting completed. \nWe need complete end to end executions of the pre confgured morph suite without any manual intervention.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":295, "hidden":false, "trust_level":1, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5566, "name":"Andrew Rybka", "username":"andrew.rybka", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/andrew.rybka/{size}/13_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-09T15:12:18.125Z", "cooked":"

Hi @paramasivan.k


Can you please post a screenshot of the command which your are trying to run and a screenshot of the result of that comment execution.

", "post_number":8, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-09T15:12:27.753Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":7, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":0.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":834, "topic_slug":"running-easymorph-from-the-command-line", "topic_title":"Running EasyMorph from the command line", "topic_html_title":"Running EasyMorph from the command line", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Andrew Rybka", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"paramasivan.k", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/p/96bed5/{size}.png" }, "raw":"Hi @paramasivan.k\n\nCan you please post a screenshot of the command which your are trying to run and a screenshot of the result of that comment execution.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":2, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5565, "name":"Paramasivan K", "username":"paramasivan.k", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/p/96bed5/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-09T11:17:08.639Z", "cooked":"

Hi @andrew.rybka.


This helped me out to launch the morph file. But my requirement is to run actions and close the laucher too. Can you help me ?

", "post_number":7, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-09T11:17:08.639Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":4, "readers_count":2, "score":5.8, "yours":false, "topic_id":834, "topic_slug":"running-easymorph-from-the-command-line", "topic_title":"Running EasyMorph from the command line", "topic_html_title":"Running EasyMorph from the command line", "category_id":1, "display_username":"Paramasivan K", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Hi @andrew.rybka.\n\nThis helped me out to launch the morph file. But my requirement is to run actions and close the laucher too. Can you help me ?", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":295, "hidden":false, "trust_level":1, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5564, "name":"Andrew Rybka", "username":"andrew.rybka", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/andrew.rybka/{size}/13_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-08T21:14:06.859Z", "cooked":"

Hi Nikolaas,


In the “Update database table” action you will have to :


The action will use the specified pairs to match DB table and EasyMorph table rows with each other and then update selected DB columns using values from matched EasyMorph table rows.


Here is a screenshot of the action’s properties. This action will match city and company columns from a DB table to the corresponding columns in an EasyMorph table. The action will only affect DB rows whose state column values are equal to CA. And it will update permalink and numEmps DB columns using values from matching rows and corresponding columns from an EasyMorph table.


\nimage.png361×689 13.9 KB\n

", "post_number":5, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-08T21:14:06.859Z", "reply_count":1, "reply_to_post_number":3, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":5, "reads":5, "readers_count":3, "score":31.0, "yours":false, "topic_id":1831, "topic_slug":"execute-sql-file-in-custom-database-command", "topic_title":"Execute SQL file in custom database command", "topic_html_title":"Execute SQL file in custom database command", "category_id":5, "display_username":"Andrew Rybka", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "reply_to_user":{ "username":"reynsnivea", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/r/9f8e36/{size}.png" }, "raw":"Hi Nikolaas,\n\nIn the \"Update database table\" action you will have to :\n* Specify `Db column = EasyMorph column` or\\and `Db column = value` pairs which should be matched (similar to the \"Selected matching DB rows\" and \"Delete matching DB rows\" actions)\n* Select Db table columns that should be updated and the corresponding EasyMorph columns.\n\nThe action will use the specified pairs to match DB table and EasyMorph table rows with each other and then update selected DB columns using values from matched EasyMorph table rows.\n\nHere is a screenshot of the action's properties. This action will match `city` and `company` columns from a DB table to the corresponding columns in an EasyMorph table. The action will only affect DB rows whose `state` column values are equal to `CA`. And it will update `permalink` and `numEmps` DB columns using values from matching rows and corresponding columns from an EasyMorph table. \n\n![image|261x500](upload://mQSsTR5yJvVnEOXpAc2S7HJzCIn.png)", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":2, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5563, "name":"christophe vgne", "username":"cvo", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/c/a88e57/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-08T12:21:14.585Z", "cooked":"

Quite simple.
\nData lineage is always a problem. To maintain a naming convention that reflect the dataflow is sometimes quite a long task in EM




renaming a flow.morph (3.6 KB)

", "post_number":3, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-08T12:21:14.585Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":6, "readers_count":4, "score":1.2, "yours":false, "topic_id":1844, "topic_slug":"derive-table-name-option", "topic_title":"\"Derive table\" name option", "topic_html_title":"“Derive table” name option", "category_id":5, "display_username":"christophe vgne", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Quite simple.\nData lineage is always a problem. To maintain a naming convention that reflect the dataflow is sometimes quite a long task in EM\n\nRegards\n\n[renaming a flow.morph|attachment](upload://vSuJejk5fF8wEc0BZl4Hf5bvaft.morph) (3.6 KB)", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":62, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5562, "name":"Dmitry Gudkov", "username":"dgudkov", "avatar_template":"/user_avatar/community.easymorph.com/dgudkov/{size}/5_2.png", "created_at":"2020-05-08T12:02:19.303Z", "cooked":"

Can you provide an example how you name tables? Just want to get a better idea what it might look like.

", "post_number":2, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-08T12:02:19.303Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":1.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":1844, "topic_slug":"derive-table-name-option", "topic_title":"\"Derive table\" name option", "topic_html_title":"“Derive table” name option", "category_id":5, "display_username":"Dmitry Gudkov", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Can you provide an example how you name tables? Just want to get a better idea what it might look like.", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":true, "admin":true, "staff":true, "user_id":1, "hidden":false, "trust_level":4, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false }, { "id":5561, "name":"christophe vgne", "username":"cvo", "avatar_template":"/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/c/a88e57/{size}.png", "created_at":"2020-05-08T11:46:29.362Z", "cooked":"



When we derive a table, could we have the option (context menu item) to derive it with the same name and an automated index “table name (n)”.



", "post_number":1, "post_type":1, "updated_at":"2020-05-08T11:47:23.828Z", "reply_count":0, "reply_to_post_number":null, "quote_count":0, "incoming_link_count":0, "reads":7, "readers_count":5, "score":1.4, "yours":false, "topic_id":1844, "topic_slug":"derive-table-name-option", "topic_title":"\"Derive table\" name option", "topic_html_title":"“Derive table” name option", "category_id":5, "display_username":"christophe vgne", "primary_group_name":null, "primary_group_flair_url":null, "primary_group_flair_bg_color":null, "primary_group_flair_color":null, "version":1, "can_edit":false, "can_delete":false, "can_recover":false, "can_wiki":false, "user_title":null, "raw":"Greetings,\n\nWhen we derive a table, could we have the option (context menu item) to derive it with the same name and an automated index \"table name (n)\".\n\nRegards", "actions_summary":[ ], "moderator":false, "admin":false, "staff":false, "user_id":62, "hidden":false, "trust_level":3, "deleted_at":null, "user_deleted":false, "edit_reason":null, "can_view_edit_history":true, "wiki":false, "can_accept_answer":false, "can_unaccept_answer":false, "accepted_answer":false } ] }