Reorder parameters in Iterate/Iterate table/Run another module [DONE]


In my opinion, it would be very convenient to be able to re-order parameters in the parameter list for Iterate / Iterate table / Run another module/project actions. In the following example let’s say that originally I only sent “Last Name” as a parameter to Module 1, however, now I’m also sending “First name” and Last Name":

I would like to have the same parameter order as the column order, however in order to do so I have to delete all parameters and do it again because I can’t reorder them. Being able to reorder them would be handy here.

Thanks very much,



I’m suffering a bit without this feature :sweat_smile:

For example, now I have this parameter list:

And if I have forgot a parameter, sure I can put it at the bottom, but having it in the right place helps me keep track of them. But then I have to delete all up to the one I want to insert, and then include the rest again.

Just wanted to know if someone else is in the same situation :wink:



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Exactly the same.
Sometimes I edit morph file with notepad++ to make corrections. You have to pay attention to all necessary modifications.

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Now available in the latest build.