'Keep/remove matching’ action


I use the ‘Keep/remove matching’ action to first ‘Keep matching (remove mismatching)’ rows based on a subset of columns in both tables.

This action works as expected.

Next, from this resulting table, I again use the ‘Keep/remove matching’ action to ‘Remove matching (keep mismatching) rows based on different subsets of columns.

Unfortunately, when this action examines a row/column with a mismatching value, it returns all rows (both mismatching and matching).

Do you have any thoughts on what might be occurring?


No worries. I just have to make sure the fields in my initial SQL statements are exactly the same. Trimmed, date formats, date formats, etc.
Thanks )

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Thanks for hinting at the solution, @dwhritenour.

If you get stuck again, feel free to post more questions on the forum. I and other people here will try to help.