is it possible to install the Desktop version on a citrix server?
As the standard installation is under my user ( C:\Users\a426098\AppData\Local\EasyMorph ) , I wonder how to install it for the usage of several different users.
As in these days more and more users are working in home office, it is much better for performance reasons to work on a server instead of direct access on data via VPN.
Technically, you can install EasyMorph for multiple users on the Server and they all will work independently. Multiple installations of EasyMorph may sound like a waste of disk space, but a single installation takes only 100MB of disk space so it shouldn’t a problem to have 10-20 installations. Also, EasyMorph installer can work in the silent mode from the command line which makes it possible to automate installations (using EasyMorph, for instance )