Import Power BI Dataset

Good afternoon -
one feature that seems to be fairly elusive is the ability to retrieve the powerbi dataset as a data source to projects. I was curious if this is a feature that has been discussed before?

Power BI has the “Analze In Excel” which treats it like like a pivot table so not really good for data mashing and I also saw this post on connecting to the dataset via Azure Data Factory (ADF) that seemed logical

Copy Data from Power BI through Azure Data Factory / Synapse Pipeline via Managed Identity Authentication– Part 4 – DataSharkX (

Couple of years ago I have retrieved dataset from Power BI report using database stored procedure. What I did was convert the dataset into JSON and pass as a parameter in database stored procedure. Stored procedure will parse the JSON and store it in table. Then that data can be used directly from easyMorph. Each time when dataset gets refreshed it will call stored procedure and update the table.

It’s an interesting idea because Excel somehow can pull data from a Power BI dataset. But so far I haven’t seen any official API for accessing data in Power BI datasets. I just ran a few internet searches again but no luck.

If you ever happen to run into an announcement of such an API, let us know.