Hash function for record identification

Is there a function or can you suggest a way to generate a hash value (MD5, etc) for a record based on selected fields with Easymorph.

Check out these functions


@dgudkov I am looking to use the hashex() function on a table. I need a way to hash the entire table content with MD5 and save the hash value in a file and format it in ANSI.

I would suggest exporting the table as a file and then using the "PowerShell" action to run the 'Get-FileHash' cmdlet to calculate the file hash.

Thanks @dgudkov. I am doing that but I was wondering if I could leverage the hash functions. I was running into encoding issues with using Powershell but resolved that issue by using this pipe

| out-file -encoding ASCII {file}

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Currently, EasyMorph doesn't have a built-in functionality that would calculate an MD5 hash for an entire file.