Excel import with linked files

If linked data is not found in an Excel spreadsheet then it’s not there.

The solution is to force Excel to update the spreadsheet before importing in EasyMorph. This can be done with PowerShell scripting. An example of triggering an Excel action with PowerShell see here: Running Excel Macro in EasyMorph Project. The script below would probably work (not tested):

$excel = new-object -comobject excel.application
$workbook = $excel.workbooks.open("C:\myfile.xls")

Note that COM-automation required by Excel doesn’t work under the EasyMorph Server service. The solution is to use Accounts available in the Enterprise edition. Accounts allow running space tasks under a different Windows account in a separate Windows process, instead of the Server service. Configure a new account in Server and then create a space to use the new account, and run the PowerShell task in that space.

See the Server Admin Guide for more information about Accounts in EasyMorph Server.