Error Starting EasyMorph

Hi @Tony_Tedjosoenarjo

It looks like you have “System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing” policy enabled on your Server.

This policy forbids EasyMorph to use certain crypthographic algorithms. Contrary to what it may sound, this policy does not make everything more ‘secure’, it just restricts application’s algorithm choice to US goverment curated list, and that list is somewhat lagging behind industry standard choice. For example, HMACSHA1 is listed as FIPS-compliant while being discouraged for use due to collision problems and HMACSHA256 (which is SHA-2 based and NIST-encouraged for federal agencies and used by EasyMorph) is not FIPS-compliant.

Please, turn off the “Use FIPS compliant algorithms” policy. You can read how to do it here, for example.