Column headings exporting to Tableau


I’m using EasyMorph for the first time to try and process a national data-set so that I can create a dashboard in Tableau. There are 15 Excel worksheets which provide data across columns for every Local Authority (a row each) with merged cells and lots of empty rows/columns. I’d like to clean and shape the data to put it into Tableau.

2 questions:

  1. If I do this for one of the sheets can I run the same transformations for the other 14 sheets (which are laid out the same)?
  2. I’ve tidied the data to remove empty rows/columns and merged cells etc and labelled the columns with the values from the top 2 rows. However, when I’ve exported it to Tableau it doesn’t bring across the Column titles it just labels them Column 1 etc - see screen-shot. What am I doing wrong? Can you help?


…& this is the screen-shot from EasyMorph:

Hi Jon, and welcome to the Community

Are you sure that you're opening in Tableau the TDE shown in the EasyMorph screenshot, not an earlier version of it? I noticed in your screenshot that the last transformation (Export to Tableau) is not executed because it has the small green overlay icon on it.


EasyMorph does not automatically run (execute) export transformations. They need to be run explicitly either by running the project (press Run Project, or F5), or by Ctrl+click'ing the transformation. More details in this help article: More ways to run a project.

Yes, absolutely. Here is how to do it:

  1. In the "Import from Excel" transformation, use a parameter to specify the sheet name instead of a hardcoded name.

  2. Create a new project and use the "Spreadsheet metadata" transformation to produce a list of sheets in the spreadsheet. Filter it if necessary to keep only the sheets you need to load.

  3. In the new project, use the "Iterate" transformation to iterate across the list of sheet names and run the initial project once for every sheet name. In that transformation:

    • Link the parameter (used for sheet name) to the column with sheet names.
    • Choose "Iterate and append" mode, so that all loaded sheets are automatically concatenated into one table.

Iterations can be a bit difficult to grasp at first. See this tutorial article on iterations: Tutorial: Loops and iterations. It has a link to examples with descriptions.

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Hi, many thanks for the quick response. Question 1 resolved easily enough then - I thought it might be something really obvious I wasn’t doing(!) :roll_eyes::smile:
Thanks for the info on iterations - will have a look at this next.