Best practice to consolidate x excel Sheet

Hi Michel,

In the “Import from Excel” transformation the sheet can be specified using a parameter. Create a project (A) that imports one particular sheet which name is defined by a parameter.

Then there is “Spreadsheet metadata” transformation (button “Insert table” -> category “File”) – it extracts all sheet names from a spreadsheet into a list. Create another project (B) with this transformation and get a list of 36 sheet names. Then use “Iterate” transformation on this list to run project A for each sheet name.

Here is an example that does it:

Book1.xlsx (9.6 KB)
Load All Sheets.morph (1.5 KB)
Load One Sheet.morph (1.3 KB)

UPDATE 7/13/2017
Files and screenshots were are updated with correct ones. As @michel.baldellon noticed, in the original ones there was a mistake – sheet name was hardcoded instead of using a parameter.