Dynamical genereting of path based on previous step

Here is an example project with the following workflow:

  • Fetch attachments to temporary folders
  • Calculate folder name and file extension of each of the fetched attachments
  • Use deduplicate to create a list of unique folder names
  • Iterate over the folders list and call the “Import and send” module once for each folder\message

The “Import and send” module accepts attachments folder path and some client identifier (this example uses email address). The workflow of the module is as follows:

  1. List attachment files in the specified folder and filter out non-XLSX files
  2. Import all the listed XLSX files. Only the first sheet will be imported from each file. You should change that behavior according to your requirements
  3. Create XML from the imported data and add client’s identifier to it
  4. Send XML to a web service

You should change Web location connector properties and steps 3 and 4 according to your API requirements.

Here are some screenshot and the example project itself:

FetchEmailsAndSendWebRequestUpdated.morph (14.8 KB)