Download multiple files from HTTPS and copy to folder, preserving file names

See the example below that obtains a list of files from a web page.

get list of files.morph (3.3 KB)

The project uses the “Web request” action to save an HTML page, then import it as a text file (no delimiter, quoting ignored, no column names) and extract file names using regular EasyMorph actions.

Logging in using a username and password in EasyMorph depends on the way the website authentication works. If it’s the Basic HTTP authentication, then you can specify it right in the Web Location connector used in the “Web Request” action.

The project gives you an idea how to obtain lists of files for different locations, then filter them to keep only the ones you need to download.

Downloading a file can be done the same way using the “Web request” action, or using the “Download file” action. “Web request” requires a path relative to the one specified in the Web Location connector. “Download file” requires a full path.

Use iterations to download each file from the filtered list.

Once you set it up, I believe you will be able to reduce days of work to a few minutes :slight_smile: